عن هذا الفصل
Welcome to my new PHP course for beginners! In this introduction to PHP programming for beginners video, I will go over what PHP is and what you will learn in this course.
This includes talking about what PHP is, what PHP is used for, and how used PHP is on websites in 2023. I will also go over how I will split up this course, in terms of teaching about PHP scripting, querying databases using PHP, and PHP security.
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Running a server is required in order to program PHP, since PHP is a server side programming language. The server I will show you how to install is called XAMPP.
XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/
General: https://www.php.net/manual/en/install...
Mac: https://www.php.net/manual/en/install...
Win: https://www.php.net/manual/en/install...
Installing XAMPP inside Program-Files: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2...
In this video I will teach beginners about PHP Syntax, and how we write PHP code to avoid syntax errors. 🙂
In this video I will teach you how to create variables in PHP, and how to create data types in PHP. 🙂
Variables are used constantly in our PHP code, so knowing how to create them is important. Same goes for knowing about the different data types, that we can assign to our variables.
In this video I will teach you about SUPERGLOBALS in PHP, which are predefined build-in PHP functions, which we can access globally. 🙂 The reason I am covering these this early on, is because we will be using some of them in the upcoming lessons.
The basics of PHP form validation is something that is important when learning PHP, and in this tutorial I will show you what you need to get started on the basics of PHP form handling. 🙂
HTML Form tutorial: • 28 | HOW TO CREATE & STYLE FORMS IN H...
In this PHP tutorial I will show you which PHP operators you need to know, in order to perform various PHP functions related to logic, math, conditions, and more. 🙂
In this PHP tutorial I will show you how to branch your code using control structures. 🙂 Control structures include conditions such as if, else if, and else statements, as well as the switch statement. We also have the new match statement, which was included in PHP 8, which I will cover in this video.
Documentation: https://www.php.net/manual/en/languag...
In this PHP tutorial, we will finally create our first PHP application, using everything we have learned up until now! 🙂 In this video, we will create a simple PHP calculator, that can be used to teach you how to implement PHP, based on everything you have learned.
In this PHP tutorial I will show you how to create arrays in PHP. 🙂 PHP arrays are important to know about, and I will cover both indexed arrays, as well as associative arrays. We can use arrays to store multiple data in the same variable, which makes development a lot easier. At the end, I will also cover something called a multidimensional array.
Documentation: https://www.php.net/manual/en/languag...
In this PHP tutorial I will talk about built-in functions in PHP, and which ones we use frequently for performing simple operations! 🙂
In this PHP tutorial I will talk about user-defined functions in PHP, and how we can create them so we have our own custom functions in our code, that we made ourselves! 🙂 Custom functions are VERY important to learn about, since most of our PHP applications are made up off functions.
In this PHP tutorial I will talk about scopes in PHP, and when we are able to access variables within our scripts! 🙂 Scope is important to know about, since it lets you know when you are able to use variables in our main script, in functions, or in our classes.